Consultation about new bus services connecting Western Sydney International Airport with surrounding communities to begin


Transport for NSW will begin to seek input from key stakeholders and landowners around a new interchange and bus layover planned for the emerging city of Bradfield.

This will be followed by broader engagement with communities about the new services, which are due to start operating before the new Airport opens in 2026.

The new interchanges to be built around the future Bradfield City Centre and the Airport will allow passengers to easily transfer between airport, bus and Metro services.

Input from the community and stakeholders will be considered to help improve passenger experience as the project progresses towards first services before the Airport opens.

Along with the coming Sydney Metro – Western Sydney Airport and the toll-free M12 Motorway, the new bus services will help ensure Western Sydney residents have a wide range of transport options in and around the precinct.

To ensure they are operating as soon as possible, the new services will make use of existing infrastructure including existing dedicated bus lanes on the newly upgraded The Northern Road.

The new services will be a first step towards a Western Sydney Rapid Bus network with additional services expected to be introduced as demand develops following the Airport opening in 2026.

For more information about the proposed services and to register for updates about the project go to